
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Humans to Mars! with Chris Carberry
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Next week, I plan on attending the humans to mars summit at the George Washington University in Washington, DC. While I have always been fascinated by space travel and our universe, I am equally fascinated by the evolving technologies that are benefiting us here on Earth while we pursue the stars. New ways of communications, remote healthcare, surgery, printing our own food, the list goes on. I've invited Chris Carberry the CEO of Explore Mars, a nonprofit organization committed to this effort and the sponsor of this summit, to join me for a quick dialogue to help us understand what's going on at the summit, what we can expect to see and experience, and why you and I should care about sending Humans to Mars. Join us for the conversation on this week's episode of The QTS Experience.
About Our Guest
Chris Carberry is the CEO and co-founder of Explore Mars, Inc. (Explore Mars), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit space advocacy organization that was created to advance the goal of sending humans to Mars by the mid-2030s. Carberry is a well-respected expert and influential director of strategic alliances in the space community as well as with non-traditional organizations. Carberry has presented oral (and written) testimony to both the United States Senate as well as the United States House of Representatives and has been active in all levels of policy engagement with both the Executive and Legislative branches of government. In recent years, he has overseen Explore Mars’ annual Humans to Mars Summit, the largest annual conference focused on sending humans to Mars. He has also spearheaded dozens of programs including the Mars Innovation Forum, the annual Community Workshops for the Achievability and Sustainability of Human Exploration of Mars series, the AR/VR and Space workshop series, the ISS and Mars Conference in Washington, D.C. and in Strasbourg, France, and the Women and Mars Conference in Washington, D.C. He has also conducted programs overseas, in such countries as the United Arab Emirates, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Carberry is also the creator, and one of the senior editors, of the annual publication known as the Humans to Mars Report that was highlighted in the NASA Transition Authorization Act of 2017. In 2013, Carberry was awarded a NASA Group Achievement award. Carberry is the author of over 100 articles and Op-Ed pieces that have appeared in such publications as USA Today, US News and World Report, Huffington Post, The Washington Post, San Jose Mercury Times, Foxnews.com, Houston Chronicle, The Hill, The Telegram (UK), The Boston Herald and many other publications. He has been featured in over 100 national and international television, radio programs and podcasts such as NBC Nightly News, Fox News, CNN, BBC World, and NPR and is frequently asked for commentary from print news outlets around the world. Prior to joining Explore Mars, Carberry served as Executive Director of The Mars Society. He also played a leadership role in congressional outreach events such as the 2006-2020 Space Exploration Alliance Legislative Blitz and has coordinated numerous briefing panels and other events on Capitol Hill over the past two decades. Carberry serves on the Board of Advisors for iGiant and Mars World Enterprises, and is a former member of the Board of Directors of the National Space Society. Carberry is the author of the 2019 book, Alcohol in Space: Past, Present and Future, and the upcoming book, The Music of Space (to be released in 2022). Both volumes are being adapted into documentary films. Prior to his space career, Carberry worked as an archivist of modern political papers and was research assistant for numerous best-selling biographers. Carberry received a B.A. degree in political science and a M.A. in history and archival methods